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Understanding REINZ data

REINZ data

REINZ collates property data from members and other sources – providing unconditional and settled sales data so you know you are getting the most up-to-date and accurate New Zealand residential property data.

Our data goes back to 1992, adding depth to our insights into market trends, sales information, location comparisons, market analyses and more.

Powered by REINZ

REINZ is driven by the collective interests of all its members to be real estate’s go-to source for property data. Our data is the most relevant and accurate data in the market, and REINZ is responsible for safeguarding sales data for the benefit of its members. As technology advances at a rapid pace, we want you to feel confident that your data remains secure, and that access is carefully managed by REINZ on behalf of its members.  

Last year, REINZ identified many factors that reduce the effectiveness of how members consume data and submitted a case for change. That case was to develop a different, more fit-for-purpose data model that will power more innovation, improved products and better results for you and your business.  

The new model will see REINZ enter into a data contract with handpicked Proptech companies and provide the REINZ data directly to them. That company can then use the data, Powered by REINZ, to create a more superior product. 

Even though these are public products, as a REINZ member only you will be able to see and gain the benefits of the REINZ data. That’s a unique advantage.  

By having products Powered by REINZ, we can guarantee how the data is used and continue to be the guardian and steward of its importance, value, and benefits for members now and in the future.  

The long-term partnerships with suppliers who provide products with functionality that enables your business, enhances growth, business development and competitiveness for you to thrive. 

Benefits to members:  

  • Members get more choice as REINZ will be powering a broader range of products now and in the future. 
  • There will generally only be one contract and one subscription fee.  
  • Products using REINZ data are unique to REINZ members, this is a unique advantage in the market. 
  • Products using REINZ data will have more functionality, reach, scale and quality with a timeliness that other products won’t have.  
  • All contracts with Proptechs are bound by stringent terms making specific data, such as unconditional sales, available to REINZ members ONLY.  

If you have any questions please call or email [email protected]. If you are not a REINZ member please contact Roshan Methananda, REINZ Data Business Development Manager on [email protected]  


Look out for the Powered by REINZ logo! 

REINZ Statistics Portal

Uncover big-picture guiding property trends as well as the microscopic detail needed to start the right conversations and inform your next move using the REINZ Statistics Portal.

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Why is real estate data seasonally adjusted?

Seasonal Adjustment is very common with economic and financial statistics. The reason REINZ seasonally adjusts is to account for well-known and persistent effects in the data that mask what is really going on. The purpose of seasonal adjustment is to remove these effects and allow analysis of what the underlying trends are.

For example, we know that there are fewer house sales in December and January, and there are more sales in November and March. This happens every year. There is always a lift in sales in November compared to October.

By seasonally adjusting the data we can see whether the lift in sales was just part of the normal lift we would expect, or whether something more important is going on.

For example, in November 2011 the number of sales increased by 20% compared to October 2011. But after adjusting for the seasonal effect (sales always lift in November) sales increased by only 4.3%. Thus 15.7% of the increase was due to the normal lift in sales we would expect in November and 4.3% was the increase after taking into account this normal lift.

The seasonally adjusted figure is an important indicator of the underlying market trends.

The timing of Easter can also affect house sales, for example if Easter is in March then sales may be lower compared to a March when Easter is in April. If there was no seasonal adjustment we might conclude that sales fell in the March with Easter for other reasons, rather than recognising that the holiday may have lowered sales.

Seasonal adjustment, as the name suggests, takes account of effects that happen on a regular annual cycle. It can’t adjust for one-off events such as the Canterbury earthquakes or the Rugby World Cup.


Why do property analysts use the median over the average?

There are technical reasons why the median provides a more accurate picture of what is happening to the prices of houses rather than the average.

As an example, assume there are 11 houses sold in a month with a price range of $200,000 to $300,000 and an average price of $250,000. Now replace one of those houses with a house that sold for $1 million. The average is now $318,182, even though 10 of the 11 houses for the month sold for less than this value. The median would be the price of the middle house sold in the range (in this case the sixth house), which more accurately reflects what the majority of the houses sold for.

REINZ uses medians to provide a more accurate measure of the mid-point of house prices that reflects what most people are going to be buying and selling houses for.


How does REINZ calculate days to sell? 

The REINZ statistics portal, monthly press release and New Zealand Property Report calculate the days to sell based on the "list date" provided by members when they report their sales to REINZ. This is usually the day the listing agreement is signed.

Not all listings in New Zealand are advertised online and once a listing agreement has been signed, the property can be sold. 

What is the HPI and why is it important?

Data on median and average house prices is open to being skewed by market composition changes. This means observed changes in these values could be almost entirely due to the changed nature in the underlying sample (e.g. an unusually large representation of high end housing sales) rather than changes in the true market value.

The REINZ HPI takes many aspects of market composition into account resulting in greater accuracy.

It does this by analysing how prices in a market are influenced by a range of attributes such as land area, floor area, number of bedrooms etc. to create a single, more accurate measure of housing market activity and trends over time.

Using the Reserve Bank’s preferred Sale Price to Appraisal Ratio (SPAR) methodology, the REINZ HPI uses unconditional sales data (when the sale is unconditional) rather than at settlement, which can often be weeks later. It is therefore more accurate and timely.

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