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REINZ Member-specific privacy policy

REINZ is committed to protecting your privacy. This policy applies to the personal information you provide to REINZ as part of your Membership of REINZ.

By supplying your personal information to us (via Membership applications and/or Agencies you are engaged by and REINZ products), you agree to the practices described in this policy. This policy needs to be read in conjunction with our website use terms available at

Collection of your Personal Information

We collect information you supply to us via this website, as otherwise supplied by you via Membership applications and/or Agencies you are engaged by and via REINZ products and services. Some REINZ products are delivered by 3rd parties that REINZ engages and you may be required to provide your personal information to use these services subject to the terms and conditions of the delivery party.

Personal information we may collect includes your name, date of birth, e-mail address, home address, work address, and phone numbers.

We also collect anonymous demographic information, such as your age, gender, preferences, interests and favourites.

Use of your Personal Information

We collect and use your personal information to operate our website, our wider activities, to deliver products and services you request, and to inform you about services you may be interested in.

We do not sell, rent or lease our Member, customer or user lists to third parties. However, we may use your personally identifiable information to contact you to inform you about REINZ products or services, or to survey your opinion of our products and services and potential new services.

Disclosure to 3rd parties

Occasionally we may disclose your contact details to appropriate REINZ staff, sector group Members, Ambassadors and REINZ Regional Directors so they can contact you for legitimate purposes associated with REINZ (such as a REINZ event in your region or a Regional Director informing you that their term is up and whether they are making themselves available for re-election). We may also provide your contact details to contracted 3rd parties to provide services to you on our behalf, such as mail delivery or customer service.

We may disclose your personal information without notice if we are required to do so by law – including a requirement that we assist with any investigation of a REINZ Member under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008.

We may disclose your personal information without notice if we are acting in the good faith belief that we need to in order to:

(a) comply with any applicable law
(b) protect or defend our legal rights or property
(c) protect the personal safety of our personnel, customers, users, or the public.

Correction / deletion

You may request access to, or correction of your personal information held by us at any time. We are happy to provide this service to you – though there are exceptions in the Privacy Act 2020 that may apply.

To ask for access and correction, please contact us at [email protected]

Security and Storage of your Personal Information

We take practical and reasonable steps to secure your personal information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. Some of these steps include:

  • Providing privacy training to our staff.
  • Ensuring there are clear internal lines of communication so that all personnel know who they can talk to within REINZ about privacy issues.
  • Maintaining security software.
  • Restricting access to your personal information to relevant individuals.
  • Implementing clear procedures on how to detect, report and investigate potential data breaches. In particular, having a plan in place to meet any mandatory notification obligations under Part 6 of the Privacy Act 2020.

Personal information is stored either onsite or via third party providers. Membership records are confidential to REINZ and the Member, as this information is stored in a database only accessible by REINZ personnel. REINZ collects personal information via its Database called ReinzData and electronically on Microsoft Azure Cloud Servers. We also use Microsoft Office 365.

Changes to this Statement

We will occasionally review this policy. We will always email you to let you know when we do this but we encourage you to periodically review this Policy, as each new subsequent Policy will apply in relation to the personal information held by us.

Contact Information

If you have any queries about this policy, please contact us at [email protected]. We will respond to you as soon as reasonably possible.