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Individual membership

To recognise a member’s expertise and long-term dedication to the real estate profession and the Institute, REINZ awards Individual Membership.

You can identify a REINZ Individual Member by their designation, such as Associates of the Institute (AREINZ), Fellows of the Institute (FREINZ), or Life Member.

Individual Membership requires an application or nomination, which is then vetted by the REINZ Board.

Life Member

Life Membership of the Real Estate Institute acknowledges life-long dedication to improving the Institute and the real estate profession, and it is an endorsement by your peers of your outstanding contribution.

Life membership requires a nomination, which is brought to the Board by the Chief Executive and voted on at the REINZ Annual General Meeting.

Nomination Process

View Life Members




Tony Jenkins


Ian Keightley


Lizz Nidd


Ashley Goodwin


John Abbot


Peter Neylon


Carey Smith


Garry Denley


Robert McCormack


Wendy Alexander


Bryan John Thomson


Brian Waldegrave


Euon Murrell


Graham Crews


Richard Cashmore


Timothy Mordaunt


John Griffin


Ian McDowell


Jo-Anne Clifford


David Rankin


John Bayley


Neville Falconer


Colin Richardson


Charles Foreman


Stephen Collins


Peter McDonald


Peter Thompson


Michael Elford


Howard Morley


Paul Dudding


Murray Cleland


Graeme Woodley


Roger Stark


Graham Snell


Henry Hadley


Max Oliver


Donald Kindley


Joan Harnett-Kindley


Brian MacPherson


C.C. Brown


Clyth MacLeod


Peter Cook


Trevor Johnston


Garth Barfoot


William Matthewson


W. Simpson


Mervyn Neill


D.C.H. Willis


H.Y. Cassidy


R.B. Lugton


R.K. Baker


E.M. Harcourt


J.S. Gillam


Hon. J.R. Hanan


D.C. Wilson


L.K. Garlick


W.H. Fisher


N. Jones


R.H. Brookbanks


F.C. Wilkinson


G.J. Leech


D. H. Cavers


J.G. Harcourt


G.S. Boyes


R.S. Newcomb


P.W. Stabb


J.T. Carswell


W.J.A. Thomson


L.D. Ritchie


H.W. Heslop


A.A. Gellatly


P.B. Foote


G.B. Osmond

Associate Member (AREINZ)

Associate Membership recognises educational achievement and commitment to the real estate profession.

To apply, you will need to complete an application, which is brought to the REINZ Chief Executive and then put to the REINZ Board for approval.

Associate application form

View Associate Members

Last Names: A-C




Elvira Abdrazakova Region 1
Phil Adcock Region 4
Maria Admiraal Region 2
Margaret Alexander Region 2
Cathy Allen Region 1
Stephen Allen Region 3
Gregory Allen-Baines Region 1
Gary Alway Region 2
Mark Ambrose Region 1
Mary Amodeo Region 1
Kenneth Andersen Region 1
David Anderson Region 1
Robert Anderson Region 5
Robert Anderson Region 5
Mathew Andrews Region 5
Robert Angus Region 3
Johannes Arends Region 3
David Armstrong Region 1
Sara Ashcroft Region 4
Julie Ashton Region 5
Robert Ashton Region 1
Emma Ashworth Region 1
Everard Aspell Region 3
Mousa Assady Region 1
Diane Astle Region 4
Gary Atkins Region 1
John Aubin Region 2
Bob Austin Region 3
Glenn Austin Region 3
Rex Baddeley Region 1
Maria Baillie Region 1
Trevor Bain Region 1
Glenn Baker Region 1
Laurence Baker Region 1
Suzanne Baker Region 1
Timothy Baker Region 4
Vicki Baker Region 4
Diana Balich Region 1
Carl Barakat Region 1
Colville Barbour Region 2
Henry Barfoot Region 1
Stephen Barfoot Region 1
Melanie Barker Region 2
Neil Barker Region 1
Vincent Barnao Region 1
Belinda Barnes Region 4
Peter Barnett Region 3
Ian Barns Region 2
Graham Barr Region 3
Roupe Basi Region 3
Michael Bates Region 5
Grant Baxter Region 4
Christopher Bayley Region 1
David Bayley Region 1
Michael Bayley Region 1
Allen Beagley Region 1
John Beaufill Region 5
Kaye Beazley Region 2
Michael Beazley Region 1
Paul Beazley Region 1
Lyn Beere Region 1
David Benfell Region 2
Robert Berry Region 4
Graeme Berryman Region 1
Peter Best Region 1
Paul Biddington Region 4
Brady Bingham Region 3
Andrew Bishop Region 1
David Blackham Region 4
Jenny Blain Region 1
Murray Blair Region 1
Norman Blakiston Region 4
Kay Blaney Region 3
Michael Block Region 1
Moira Blundell Region 3
Stuart Bode Region 1
Olga Bogdanovic Region 1
David Bolger Region 3
John Bolton Region 1
Kevin Boniface Region 3
Vaughan Borcovsky Region 1
Michael Boulgaris Region 1
Patricia Boult Region 1
Gillian Bowden Region 2
Nigel Bowden Region 4
Patrick Bowden Region 5
Dougal Boyd Region 4
Craig Boyden Region 3
Ross Brader Region 1
Andrea Bradley Region 3
Kathleen Bradley Region 4
Ronald Bradley Region 2
Jane Bradshaw Region 5
Darren Brady Region 1
Scott Bramwell Region 5
Juliane Brand Region 3
Joseph Brankin Region 4
Suzanne Bray Region 1
Christopher Brearley Region 1
Jeffrey Brill Region 1
Tracy Bristowe Region 2
Hayden Broadbelt Region 4
Frank Broadbent Region 3
Sheree Brock Region 1
Philip Brough Region 5
Alastair Brown Region 1
Christopher Brown Region 1
Nigel Brown Region 5
Graham Browne Region 3
Helene Brownlee Region 1
Andrew Bruce Region 1
Gower Buchanan Region 1
Chris Burger Region 1
Graeme Burman Region 1
Jane Burmester Region 1
Richard Bush Region 1
Eileen Butel Region 4
Maurice Butler Region 2
Erin Callanan Region 4
Alison Cameron Region 1
Christopher Campbell Region 5
David Campbell Region 1
Jeffrey Carr Region 3
Roger Carter Region 4
Rosa Carter Region 4
Tim Carter Region 1
Blair Cashmore Region 2
David Cashmore Region 2
Sherini Cassidy Region 4
Craig Catley Region 1
David Cattanach Region 2
Michael Cavanagh Region 1
Douglas Chandler Region 1
Victoria Cherrington Region 1
Jan-Louise Chesmar Region 4
Heather Chick Region 4
Cheryl Child Region 2
Grant Child Region 2
Adrian Chisholm Region 1
Bradley Chittick Region 3
Dianne Christensen Region 1
Kerrie Christensen Region 3
Stuart Christensen Region 3
John Christiansen Region 3
Leon Chunyu Region 1
Wendy Clapperton Region 3
Simon Clark Region 2
Gregory Clarke Region 3
Wayne Clarke Region 5
Colin Claxton Region 3
Peter Clayton Region 3
Brendan Clegg Region 3
Russell Clifford Region 4
Darin Cobb Region 1
Julianne Cobham Region 3
Stacy Coburn Region 5
Mark Coffey Region 3
Sue Cohen Region 1
Robyn Coles Region 1
Graeme Collinge Region 3
Kelvin Collins Region 5
Rachael Cone Region 4
Michael Connolly Region 4
Terrance Connolly Region 4
Robert Connors Region 1
Timothy Cook Region 3
Nicola Cooke Region 2
Fraser Coombes Region 2
Julie Coombes Region 2
Roslyn Coombes Region 2
Debbie Cooper Region 4
Martin Cooper Region 1
Mary Cooper Region 4
Shannon Corbett Region 1
Anthony Corbishley Region 2
Andrew Cosgrave Region 1
Susan Costello Region 2
Terence Court Region 2
Scott Cousins Region 1
Helen Coutts Region 3
Malcolm Cox Region 3
Barbara Craig Region 2
Anthony Cramond Region 3
Peter Crean Region 4
Malcolm Croawell Region 1
Leigh Crockford Region 2
Ann Crossley Region 2
Shane Crowle Region 1
Geoffrey Culley Region 1
Paul Cunneen Region 4
Michael Cunningham Region 5
Mary Curnow Region 1
Michael Curragh Region 4
Ann Curtis Region 3
John Cutler Region 5

Last Names: D-F




Gregory Daly Region 4
Margaret Danzer Region 4
Brenda Davey Region 4
Alan Davidson Region 2
Robert Davies Region 2
James Davis Region 4
Mark Davis Region 4
Sabine Davison Region 3
John Davy Region 1
Roger Dawson Region 1
Murray Dawson Region 4
Leonard Day Region 1
Daniel De Bont Region 4
Els de Jong Region 1
Justin De La Roche Region 5
Theodore De Leeuw Region 2
Steven De Ruiter Region 1
Mike De Seymour Region 1
Linda De Vine BA Region 4
Stephen Dean Region 1
Andrea Deane Region 2
Kevin Deane Region 2
Kevin Dee Region 3
Annette Dempsey Region 2
Greg Dennerly Region 1
Sue Dennis Region 5
Simon Dew Region 1
Joanne Dewson Region 1
Glenn Dick Region 4
Janet Dickson Region 1
John Diprose Region 1
Barry Dobson Region 1
Lindsay Dodd Region 4
Ian Dodds Region 1
Shannon Doell Region 1
Luke Domb Region 3
Bevan Domett Region 1
Cyril Dominikovich Region 1
Norman Donald Region 2
John Dorking Region 1
Blair Double Region 3
Lucy Douglas Region 1
Thomas Dowling Region 1
Treena Drinnan Region 1
Trevor Duffin Region 1
Mark Dunbar Region 3
Kate Duncan Region 1
Shona Duncan Region 2
Anne Duncan Region 1
Hayden Duncan Region 2
Alan Eason Region 5
Mark Edmonds Region 1
Alex Edmonds Region 3
Lorraine Edwards Region 3
Colin Edwards Region 1
Craig Edwards Region 4
Annette Edwards Region 1
Heatha Edwards Region 3
Robert Eggo Region 3
Kathryn Elliott Region 3
Alan Elliott Region 1
Steven Ellis Region 3
Wayne Ellis Region 5
Paul Ellis Region 3
Janet Ellwood Region 1
George Erdos Region 1
Sharon Evans Region 2
Alexandra Evans Region 1
Marie Ewens Region 3
Frank Excell Region 1
Ketiesha Excell Elliott Region 1
Stephen Fagan Region 2
Jennifer Fairley Region 1
Eliot Falconer Region 3
Timothy Falloon Region 3
Ho-Yen Fan Region 1
Simon Farland Region 1
Eileen Farquhar Region 3
Bruce Farquhar Region 4
Anton Fatkin Region 1
Laszlo Fejos Region 1
Martin Ferretti Region 1
Annabelle Findlay Region 5
Trent Finlay Region 2
Lilia Finlay Region 1
Jennifer Finlayson Region 1
David Fisher Region 3
Christine Fitzgibbon Region 2
Anthony Fitzsimons Region 3
Christopher Flanagan Region 4
Stuart Fleming Region 3
Arthur Fong Region 1
Vincent Fong Region 1
Michael Ford Region 3
Holly Fordham Region 3
Sandra Forrester Region 1
Malcolm Forsyth Region 2
Andrea Forsyth Region 1
Sean Foster Region 2
Julene Foster Region 2
Jacqueline Frame Region 4
Timothy Frampton Region 5
Kim Franklin Region 4
Julia Franklin Region 5
Graeme Fraser Region 1
Sarah Frater Region 2
Shirley Frear Region 1
Craig Freear Region 3
Andrew Freeman Region 4
Glenys French Region 4
Douglas Futter Region 1

Last Names: G-J




Adam Gain Region 5
Linda Galbraith Region 1
Richard Gallie Region 1
Mervyn Gardiner Region 1
Robert Garlick Region 3
Michael Gascoigne Region 2
Michael Gee Region 1
Christopher Gemmell Region 1
Jennifer Georgetti Region 1
Leslie Geraghty Region 3
Kara Gerrand Region 2
Shawn Gibbon Region 3
Debra Gibbons Region 3
Andrew Gibson Region 1
Robin Gibson Region 4
Phillip Gilchrist Region 5
Phillipa Gill Region 4
Alfred Gillard Region 4
Stuart Girvan Region 3
Lorraine Girvan Region 3
Carl Glasgow Region 2
Warren Glassey Region 4
Diane Goer Region 1
Pauline Goldfinch Region 1
Janine Goldsmith Region 1
Lynn Goldsmith Region 1
Christopher Gollins Region 3
Adrienne Gooch Region 1
Stuart Gooch Region 2
Neil Goodger Region 2
Catherine Goodwin LLB Region 1
Bob Gordon Region 1
Gary Gore Region 2
Raymond Gosling Region 2
Jitesh Govind Region 3
David Grace Region 1
Vicki Grace Region 4
John Graham Region 2
Wayne Graham Region 5
Lorraine Grave Region 2
David Graves Region 3
Stuart Gray Region 3
Bettina Gray Region 1
Linda Greenslade Region 2
Robyn Greer Region 1
David Greig Region 1
Barry Grieve Region 1
Ian Grindle Region 2
Lesley Groundwater Region 4
Murray Groundwater Region 4
David Gubb Region 5
Stuart Gudsell Region 2
Susanne Guhl Region 4
Mark Gunning Region 3
Judith Guy Region 1
Kenneth Hagan Region 2
Colin Hair Region 1
Justin Haley Region 4
Rodney Hall Region 1
Philip Hall Region 1
Murray Halstead Region 5
Prudence Hamill Region 3
Martyn Hamilton Region 1
Kane Hampton Region 4
Valerie Hanger Region 1
Lyn Hann Region 3
David Hanna Region 2
Michael Harding Region 3
Richard Harford Region 1
Robert Harnett Region 4
Darryl Harper Region 3
Mark Harris Region 5
Evan Harris Region 3
Lesley Harris Region 1
Anne Harris Region 3
Pamela Harrison Region 2
Angelique Hartnett Region 1
Rosemary Harvey Region 1
William Harvey Region 3
Christina Harvey MBA Region 1
Layne Harwood Region 1
Carol Hatton Region 1
Bryce Hawkins Region 1
Steve Hay Region 1
Elaine Hayward Region 1
Claire Healing Region 4
Michael Healy Region 1
Richard Heap Region 5
Stephen Hebbend Region 5
Graeme Hegan Region 5
David Henderson Region 5
Mike Henderson Region 1
Tom Hendriks Region 1
Stewart Henry Region 4
Belinda Henson Region 1
Tim Herbert Region 1
Peter Hermens Region 5
Daniel Hewes Region 1
Lydia Heyward Region 4
Stephen Heywood Region 1
David Hibbins Region 1
Stanley Hickford Region 2
Leonie Higgins Region 1
Craig Hilton Region 2
Christina Hindle Region 1
Kathryn Hishon Region 5
Kerry Hitchcock Region 1
Dean Hitchcock Region 1
Tim Hocquard Region 3
Lindsay Hodder Region 4
Chris Hodder Region 3
Dallas Hodge Region 2
Robert Hodgson Region 1
Janice Holden Region 4
Simon Hollander Region 4
Mark Holliday Region 1
Tanya Hollobon Region 2
Bruce Holmes Region 1
Martin Honey Region 1
Robert Hooper Region 2
Kerry Hopper Region 2
Phillip Horrobin Region 1
Nicola Horsbrough Region 1
Nicholas Horton Region 5
Michael Hotchin Region 1
Rebecca Houghton Region 3
George Houghton Region 3
Mark Hourigan Region 3
Max House Region 1
Charles Howard Region 1
Shona Howe Region 3
Kelvin Howell Region 4
Gail Hudson Region 5
Peter Hughan Region 4
Michael Hughes Region 2
Greg Hull Region 3
Rodney Hull Region 1
Paul Hullett Region 3
Bill Humphrey Region 1
Philip Hunt Region 2
Trevor Hurley Region 4
Joseph Hurn Region 1
Margo Hutcheon Region 4
Wayne Hutton Region 1
Ann Hutton Region 1
Martin Hyde Region 4
Robin Hyndman Region 5
Edgar Ingram Region 1
Bernice Ireland Region 4
Murray Irvine Region 4
Tim Irvine Region 1
Megan Jaffe Region 1
Darren James Region 1
Amanda James Region 4
Kris Jamieson Region 1
Paula Jelaca Region 2
Kevin Jenkins Region 4
Antony Jenkins Region 4
Richard Jensen Region 3
Barry Joblin Region 1
Mary-Louise Johns Region 2
Benjamin Johnson Region 2
Raymond Johnson Region 2
Edith Johnson Region 1
Stephen Johnston Region 5
Barbara Johnston Region 4
Angus Johnston Region 5
Jacqueline Johnston Region 5
Debbie Johnstone Region 4
Keith Jolly Region 4
Colin Jones Region 2
Benjamin Jones Region 1
Sam Jones Region 5
Christopher Jones Region 1
Brian Jones Region 4
Deborah Jones Region 1
Anton Jones Region 2
Michael Jones Region 1
Angela Jones Region 1
Annette Jordan Region 3
James Ju Region 1
Philip Judd Region 1
Paul Judd Region 1

Last Names: K-M




Thomas Kane Region 1
Ajay Kapoor Region 1
Anneke Kawau Region 5
Bronwyn Kay Region 2
Trish Kay Region 4
Daniel Keane Region 1
Timothy Kearins Region 3
Tony Keegan Region 1
Wayne Keene Region 1
Ian Keightley Region 4
Nicola Kelland Region 1
Aprile Kellick Region 2
Kevin Kelliher Region 3
David Kelly Region 1
Chris Kennedy Region 4
Phillip Kenny Region 4
Jason Keown Region 1
Anthony Kerapa Region 2
Robin Kerr Region 1
Warwick Kerr Region 5
Kevin Kerr Region 2
Graeme Kerr Region 4
Craig Kerr Region 1
Kimberley Kerrisk Region 4
Peter King Region 4
Ian King Region 1
Patricia King Region 2
Erin Kingston Region 2
Greig Kirby Region 1
Matt Kirkbride Region 1
Scott Kittelty Region 2
David Klue Region 3
Gill Knight Region 4
Ian Knight Region 4
Don Knight Region 2
Stephan Knowler Region 4
Eric Koh Region 1
Anne-Marie Koszegi Region 1
Halina Kuchciak Region 3
Bharat Kumar Region 1
Tariq Kundan Region 4
Richard Laery Region 2
Phil Laird Region 1
Mark Lambie Region 4
Nicholas Langdon Region 1
Tim Lapwood Region 2
Scott Larsen Region 1
Anjini Lata Region 1
Paula Laughton Region 5
Bruce Lavender Region 3
Patricia Lawrence Region 4
Michael Leahy Region 2
James Lee Region 1
Lisa Leeburn Region 4
Calvin Leen Region 4
Rodney Leitch Region 3
Suzanne Lemon Region 2
Edwin Lewis Region 5
Bruce Lindsay Region 4
Charles Lindsay Region 3
Margaret Lindsay Region 3
Angela Little Region 1
Stephen Loader Region 3
Paul Lochore Region 1
Robert Lochore Region 1
Michael Lochore Region 1
Michael Lock Region 3
Colin Lock Region 4
Lynley Lockwood Region 1
Jo-Anne Loe Region 3
Spencer Logan Region 3
Dwayne Lohmann Region 4
William Lomax Region 4
Janice Long Region 4
Ben Louis Region 2
Anne Lowe Region 1
Dallas Lucas Region 5
Kay Lucas Region 5
Brett Lucas Region 5
Simon Lugton Region 2
Doug Lum Region 1
Sylvia Lund Region 1
Trevor Lyall Region 5
Samuel MacDonald Region 3
Mitchell MacDonald Region 4
Elanor MacDonald Region 3
Keith MacDonald Region 4
Rob Macdonald Region 1
Gill Macdonald Region 1
Douglas MacGillivray Region 5
James Mackay Region 4
Vickey MacKintosh Region 2
Mark Macky Region 1
Kirsty Macky Region 1
Suzanne MacLean Region 1
Rod MacNeil Region 1
Donna MacPherson Region 2
James Macpherson Region 2
Wayne Maguire Region 1
Tim Mahon Region 1
Angela Maindonald Region 3
Nathan Male Region 1
Nicola Malloy Region 1
Dan Manford Region 1
Bruce Manning Region 5
Kimberley Markham Region 3
Dean Marshall Region 4
Steven Marshall Region 4
Alan Marshall Region 2
Paul Marshall Region 4
Ramon Marshall Region 3
Anita Martelli Region 2
David Martin Region 2
Gary Martin Region 1
Simon Martin Region 2
Joseph Martin Region 1
Karl Martinovich Region 1
Lawrence Martis Region 3
Garry Mason Region 2
Brendan Mason Region 5
David Matthewson Region 2
Russell Maxwell Region 2
Derryn Mayne Region 1
Robyn Mayne Region 1
John McCarthy Region 3
Liz McCarthy Region 1
Luke McCaw Region 1
Aaron McCrae Region 4
Malcolm McCrae Region 3
Peter McCrea Region 5
Michael McCullough Region 2
Dorothy McCully Region 4
Michael McCurdy Region 5
Jacqueline McDermott Region 1
Daniel McDonald Region 3
Matthew McDonald Region 3
John McDonald Region 3
Julie McDonald Region 4
Newton McElrea Region 5
Lisa McEnaney Region 4
Lynette McFadden Region 4
John McFadden Region 4
Patricia McFetridge Region 3
Michael McGarry Region 1
Adam McGrath Region 2
Kenneth McGrath, Region 2
Gordon McGregor Region 1
Kerry McGuffog Region 1
Alison McHattie Region 3
Kimball McIntyre Region 1
Kathryn McKay Region 2
Tonya McKay Region 1
Kelly McKee Region 3
David McKenzie Region 5
Vanessa McKenzie Region 1
Robyn McLennan Region 2
Hamish McLeod Region 4
Sarah-Jane McLeod Region 4
Graeme McLeod Region 1
James McLeod Region 4
Alan McMahon Region 1
Denis McMahon Region 2
Brian McMillan Region 5
Anthony McPherson Region 4
Philip Mears Region 3
Ronald Melville Region 2
Ronald Melville Region 1
Sally Meyer Region 4
Brent Miles Region 4
Rachel Millard Region 2
Beth Millard Region 2
Owen Mills Region 3
Hugh Milloy Region 2
Penelope Milne Region 1
Jeremy Milton Region 1
Rhys Mischefski Region 2
Ross Mitchell Region 4
Mohamed Mokhtar Region 4
Ian Molloy Region 1
Brian Montgomery Region 4
Richard Mooney Region 3
Renee Moore Region 4
Nigel Moore Region 5
Wendy Moore Region 2
Ian Moore Region 4
Guy Mordaunt Region 3
Steven Morgan Region 4
Ian Morgan Region 2
Joanne Morgan Region 2
Charles Morley-Hall Region 3
Malcolm Morris Region 3
Stuart Morris Region 4
Claire Morris Region 4
Beverley Morrison Region 1
Robert Mountfort Region 1
David Moy Region 1
Connie Muir Region 1
Susan Mullins Region 4
Andrew Mullins Region 3
Jay Mura Region 3
Heather Murphy Region 3
John Murphy Region 5
Michael Murray Region 2
John Murray Region 3
David Murray Region 1

Last Names: N-Q




Julia Nah Region 1
Manu Nahna Region 2
Glenys Naik Region 3
Allister Nalder Region 4
Marlene Nathan Region 3
Michael Neale Region 2
Louis Newman Region 3
Kevin Newsome Region 3
Joseph Nidd Region 5
David Nightingale Region 1
Hamish Niles Region 4
Alan Nobbs Region 4
Julianne Norman Region 3
Richard Norris Region 5
Linwood Norris Region 1
Brett Norris Region 1
Andrew North Region 1
Patrick O'Connor Region 1
Andrea O'Donnell Region 3
Shane Ogle Region 1
Louis O'Hara Region 2
Bernard O'Malley Region 5
Sherie O'Neill-Johnson Region 5
Franklin Op Den Buysch Region 4
Hielke Oppers Region 2
Jeremy O'Rourke Region 2
Gayemarie Osborne Region 5
Kim-Maree Osborne Region 1
James Osler Region 2
Sherenden O'Sullivan Region 3
Mary O'Sullivan Region 2
Karen O'Sullivan Region 2
Joseph O'Sullivan Region 1
Alan Owens Region 1
Christopher Packer Region 3
Valerie Page Region 2
Trevor Palmer Region 2
Susan Palmer Region 1
Wayne Pamment Region 2
Penelope Pardoe Region 2
Jacqueline Parker Region 1
Grant Parker Region 5
Zair Parkes Region 3
Simone Parr Region 1
John Pasley Region 2
Arvind Patel Region 1
Kate Paterson Region 3
Vivienne Patrick Region 5
Jennifer Peacocke Region 2
Edward Peacocke Region 2
Peter Peeters Region 1
Lance Pemberton Region 1
Lynda Peni Region 1
David Penrose Region 5
Julie Pepper Region 1
Rodney Perrett Region 3
Stuart Pescini Region 3
Barbara Peter Region 4
Graham Peterson Region 1
Deane Pettit Region 3
Mark Phillips Region 3
Morgan Phillips Region 3
Shari Pickering Region 1
Murray Piesse Region 2
Anton Pires Region 2
David Platt Region 3
Gerard Ponsonby Region 1
Douglas Pope Region 1
Barry Potter Region 2
Duncan Povey Region 3
Richard Powell Region 4
Sean Powell Region 1
Gillian Powell Region 1
Deborah Pratt Region 3
Fraser Press Region 3
David Price Region 4
Craig Prier Region 4
Iudita Pristopan Region 1
James Proude Region 3
Gregory Purcell Region 2
Jillian Quaid Region 5
Brendan Quill Region 5
Dianne Quinn Region 1
Julia Nah Region 1
Manu Nahna Region 2
Glenys Naik Region 3
Allister Nalder Region 4
Marlene Nathan Region 3
Michael Neale Region 2
Louis Newman Region 3
Kevin Newsome Region 3
Joseph Nidd Region 5
David Nightingale Region 1
Hamish Niles Region 4
Alan Nobbs Region 4
Julianne Norman Region 3
Richard Norris Region 5
Linwood Norris Region 1
Brett Norris Region 1
Andrew North Region 1
Patrick O'Connor Region 1
Andrea O'Donnell Region 3
Shane Ogle Region 1
Louis O'Hara Region 2
Bernard O'Malley Region 5
Sherie O'Neill-Johnson Region 5
Franklin Op Den Buysch Region 4
Hielke Oppers Region 2
Jeremy O'Rourke Region 2
Gayemarie Osborne Region 5
Kim-Maree Osborne Region 1
James Osler Region 2
Sherenden O'Sullivan Region 3
Mary O'Sullivan Region 2
Karen O'Sullivan Region 2
Joseph O'Sullivan Region 1
Alan Owens Region 1
Christopher Packer Region 3
Valerie Page Region 2
Trevor Palmer Region 2
Susan Palmer Region 1
Wayne Pamment Region 2
Penelope Pardoe Region 2
Jacqueline Parker Region 1
Grant Parker Region 5
Zair Parkes Region 3
Simone Parr Region 1
John Pasley Region 2
Arvind Patel Region 1
Kate Paterson Region 3
Vivienne Patrick Region 5
Jennifer Peacocke Region 2
Edward Peacocke Region 2
Peter Peeters Region 1
Lance Pemberton Region 1
Lynda Peni Region 1
David Penrose Region 5
Julie Pepper Region 1
Rodney Perrett Region 3
Stuart Pescini Region 3
Barbara Peter Region 4
Graham Peterson Region 1
Deane Pettit Region 3
Mark Phillips Region 3
Morgan Phillips Region 3
Shari Pickering Region 1
Murray Piesse Region 2
Anton Pires Region 2
David Platt Region 3
Gerard Ponsonby Region 1
Douglas Pope Region 1
Barry Potter Region 2
Duncan Povey Region 3
Richard Powell Region 4
Sean Powell Region 1
Gillian Powell Region 1
Deborah Pratt Region 3
Fraser Press Region 3
David Price Region 4
Craig Prier Region 4
Iudita Pristopan Region 1
James Proude Region 3
Gregory Purcell Region 2
Jillian Quaid Region 5
Brendan Quill Region 5
Dianne Quinn Region 1

Last Names: R-S




Neno Radinovich Region 1
Bruce Rae Region 4
Joanne Rae Region 1
Adrian Raine Region 4
Deo Rajan Region 1
Della Randall Region 3
David Rankin Region 4
Mohammed Rasheed Region 1
Mamun Rashid Region 1
Kris Rasmussen Region 3
Paul Raynes Region 1
Christopher Reade Region 1
Stephen Redmayne Region 2
John Redward Region 1
Arthur Rendle Region 1
Jacqueline Revell Region 2
Graham Richards Region 3
Peter Richards Region 1
Lance Richardson Region 1
Kenneth Ricketts Region 1
Paul Roache Region 3
Julie Robb Region 4
Gregory Roberts Region 4
Nicholas Robertson Region 5
Grant Robertson Region 3
Gary Robertson Region 1
Ross Robertson Region 1
Alistair Robertson Region 3
Kim Robinson Region 1
LeAnne Robinson Region 1
Rod Robinson Region 1
Helen Robinson Region 2
John Robinson Region 2
Sandra Robinson Region 1
Denise Robinson Region 5
Christopher Robson Region 2
Brad Roebuck Region 1
Noel Rogers Region 1
Graeme Rogers Region 3
Adam Rogers Region 4
Arthur Rolfe Region 2
Mike Rollo Region 4
Penelope Rollston Region 4
Jennifer Rolton Region 4
Peter Rookes Region 4
Jacqui Rooney Region 4
Vicky Roose Region 1
Joseph Rosevear Region 4
Gregory Ross Region 5
John Rothery Region 2
Melanie Rouse Region 2
Jason Rowling Region 2
David Roy Region 1
Gregory Roy-Wojciechowski Region 1
Angela Rudling Region 1
Roy Rudolph Region 1
Neville Ruske Region 2
Jennifer Russell Region 3
Ian Russell Region 5
Thomas Rutherford Region 1
Michael Ryan Region 4
Philip Ryan Region 5
Ben Ryder Region 4
Desmond Ryder Region 1
Ron Sadler Region 1
Clive Saleman Region 3
Hugo Sandall Region 3
Donna Santner Region 1
Bobby Sapra Region 1
Margaret Sarginson Region 4
Errol Saunders Region 4
Angela Saunders Region 1
Glenn Savery Region 1
Sue Saywell Region 1
Paul Scarfe Region 1
Antonius Scheirlinck Region 1
Elaine Schuck Region 5
Nerrida Schuler Region 2
Steven Schwamm Region 1
Francie Schwass Region 3
Peter Scott Region 3
Vivienne Scott Region 3
Campbell Scott Region 2
Andrew Scott Region 3
George Searle Region 2
Warwick Searle Region 1
Wendy Sellers Region 2
Leanne Senior Region 3
Stephen Shale Region 2
Christopher Shannon Region 3
Ken Sharplin Region 4
Alan Sheddan Nat.Dip.RE. Region 1
Maryanne Sheehy Region 1
Brendan Shefford Region 4
Mushtaq Sheikh Region 1
Ifran Sheikh Region 1
Kathleen Shepard Region 2
James Shepherd Region 4
Beverly Shepherd-Wright Region 4
Gregory Sheppard Region 2
Deborah Sheridan Region 2
Mark Sherlock Region 3
Cindy Shine Region 1
Jamsheed Sidhwa Region 1
Jane Simonson Region 3
Moira Simpson Region 3
Jon Simpson Region 1
Raymond Simpson Region 3
Mark Simpson Region 5
Margaret Simpson Region 1
William Sinclair Region 2
Davinder Singh Region 2
Dalbir Singh Region 1
John Sinnamon Region 4
Lindsay Sinnott Region 4
William Sisk Region 3
John Sisley Region 2
Mark Slade Region 2
Jaime Slater Region 3
Robert Slater Region 3
Glenn Slaughter Region 1
Sebastian Smith Region 5
Adam Smith Region 1
Stephen Smith Region 1
Craig Smith Region 1
Murray Smith Region 1
Geoffrey Smith Region 4
Matthew Smith Region 1
Theodorus Smith Region 2
Noel Smith Region 1
Nicolaas Snijder Region 1
Kurt Snook Region 5
Adrian Snow Region 5
Derek Solomon Region 2
Vicki Southgate Region 1
Daryl Spence Region 5
Anthony Spivey Region 4
Bruce Spurdle Region 2
Susan Spurdle Region 2
Sue Stanaway Region 1
Michelle Stanborough Region 1
Gary Steed Region 1
Rachael Steinmetz Region 3
Richmond Stevens Region 3
Christine Stevens Region 2
Richard Stevens Region 1
Blair Stevens Region 3
Glen Stevens Region 1
Diane Stevenson Region 1
Hayley Stevenson Region 5
Graham Stewart Region 5
Connie Stewart Region 3
John Stewart Region 3
Gordon Stewart Region 2
Andy Stewart Region 3
David Storer Region 1
Sonia Stott Region 4
Colleen Strachan Region 1
Peter Stratton Region 3
Brent Sturm Region 3
Monica Subritzky Region 1
Mathias Suchy Region 3
Brent Sullivan Region 1
Mark Sumich Region 1
Kelson Sumner Region 1
Kerry Sutherland Region 3
Wayne Sutton Region 3
Chris Swann Region 1
Rowan Sweetman Region 2
Andrew Swift Region 4
Catherine Swinn Region 2
Allan Sykes Region 1
Grant Sykes Region 1
David Sylvester Region 2
Mike Symonds Region 1

Last Names: T-Z




Vicki Tahau Paton Region 4
Ashley Tait Region 1
David Taylor Region 4
Pete Taylor Region 1
Rick Taylor Region 1
Campbell Taylor Region 4
Brian Teasdale Region 1
Thomas Teh Region 1
Aaron Telfar Region 1
Nicol Temata Region 1
Phillip Templeton Region 5
Christine Terrey Region 3
Paul Terry Region 3
Barry Thom Region 1
Lynnette Thomas Region 1
Christine Thomas Region 1
David Thomas Region 3
Matt Thompson Region 1
Allan Thompson Region 5
Colin Thompson Region 1
Rohan Thompson Region 1
Karen Thompson Region 5
Jenny Thorpe Region 1
Lisa Thorsen Region 1
Gregg Tickelpenny Region 2
Christine Tierney Region 1
Adrienne Tilly Region 1
May To Region 1
William Todd Region 5
Robert Todd Region 5
Maria Todd Region 1
Aaron Tomlin Region 1
Davy Tomu Region 1
Rosa Tondi Region 2
Michael Toothill Region 2
Gavin Topp Region 4
Arthur Townsend Region 5
Kevin Trass Region 1
Simon Tremain Region 3
Brett Trigger Region 1
Margaret Troughton Region 2
Marie Trubuhovich Region 1
Timothy Truebridge Region 3
Jeff Tubman Region 1
Roger Tucker Region 3
John Tucker Region 4
Margaret Tucker Region 3
Robert Tulp Region 1
David Tung Region 1
Brett Turnbull Region 1
Timothy Turner Region 1
Gordon Turner Region 1
Dylan Turner Region 1
William Twiss Region 4
Julian Twiss Region 4
James Twiss Region 4
Nigel Tyre Region 1
Graeme Udy Region 1
David Umbers Region 2
John Urlich Region 1
Henry Van Der Velden Region 5
Pamela Van Der Velden Region 5
Mark van Lent Region 1
John Van Lienen Region 3
Jennifer Van Schreven Region 3
John Van Velthooven Region 1
Marylin Van Wagoner Region 1
Michael Van Wagoner Region 1
David Varney Region 5
Colin Varney Region 1
Gerda Venter Region 2
Virendra Verma Region 1
Carolyn Vernon Region 1
Maxwell Vertongen Region 3
Jocelyn Vertongen Region 3
Lee Vertongen Region 3
Alan Vessey Region 1
Graham Viall Region 1
William Vining Region 4
Joseph Voordouw Region 1
Albert Voschezang Region 5
Frank Vosper Region 2
Paul Vujnovich Region 1
Amy Wagstaff Region 1
Mary Walker Region 1
Neil Walker Region 2
Alexa Wall Region 3
Graham Wall Region 1
Rozel Wallace Region 3
Derek Wallwork Region 1
Steve Walsh Region 1
Craig Warburton Region 1
Peter Ware Region 3
Bernadette Warne Region 1
Elizabeth Warren Region 3
Brae Watkins Region 3
Kenneth Watson Region 3
Murray Watson Region 2
Ross Watson Region 3
Marcus Watson Region 3
Gregory Watson Region 3
Sarah Watson Region 3
John Welch Region 1
Kevin Wells Region 2
Glenda West Region 1
Benjamin Westerman Region 2
Yvette Westerman Region 2
Yvonne Westerman Region 2
Bryan Western Region 1
Peter Whalan Region 4
Philip Whearty Region 3
Philip White Region 3
Madelon White Region 5
Jonathan White Region 1
Anthony White Region 2
Agnes White Region 4
Cheryl Whiting Region 1
Andrew Widdup Region 1
James Widjaja Region 1
Simon Wilde Region 1
Robert Williams Region 4
Sylvie Williams Region 2
Susan Williams Region 4
Mark Williams Region 2
Stephen Williams Region 3
Gary Williams Region 1
Jason Wills Region 4
Julija Wilson Region 1
Ann Wilson Region 1
Peter Wilson Region 4
Michael Wilson Region 4
Peter Wilson Region 5
Carl Wilson Region 5
Barry Wilson Region 3
Mark Wilson Region 5
Craig Wilson Region 2
Madison Wineera Region 1
Angela Winiata Region 3
Edwin Winkel Region 3
Kelvin Winnie Region 3
Lynette Winsloe Region 5
Carole Withey Region 1
Stephen Wong Region 1
Michael Wood Region 5
Alastair Wood Region 5
Mark Woodham Region 2
Bruce Woodhead Region 3
Duncan Woodhouse Region 2
Susan Woods-Markwick Region 1
Richard Wright Region 1
Amanda Wynne Region 1
Michael Wynne-Jones Region 3
Lisa Yardley-Vaiese Region 4
Murray Young Region 4
Antonin Young Region 4
Glen Young Region 1
Grant Young Region 3
David Young Region 2
Meisheng Zhu Region 1
Vicki Tahau Paton Region 4
Ashley Tait Region 1
David Taylor Region 4
Pete Taylor Region 1
Patrick Taylor Region 1
Rick Taylor Region 1
Campbell Taylor Region 4
Brian Teasdale Region 1
Thomas Teh Region 1
Aaron Telfar Region 1
Nicol Temata Region 1
Phillip Templeton Region 5
Christine Terrey Region 3
Paul Terry Region 3
Barry Thom Region 1
Lynnette Thomas Region 1
Christine Thomas Region 1
David Thomas Region 3
Matt Thompson Region 1
Allan Thompson Region 5
Colin Thompson Region 1
Rohan Thompson Region 1
Karen Thompson Region 5
Jenny Thorpe Region 1
Gregg Tickelpenny Region 2
Christine Tierney Region 1
Adrienne Tilly Region 1
May To Region 1
William Todd Region 5
Robert Todd Region 5
Maria Todd Region 1
Aaron Tomlin Region 1
Davy Tomu Region 1
Rosa Tondi Region 2
Michael Toothill Region 2
Gavin Topp Region 4
Arthur Townsend Region 5
Kevin Trass Region 1
Simon Tremain Region 3
Brett Trigger Region 1
Margaret Troughton Region 2
Marie Trubuhovich Region 1
Timothy Truebridge Region 3
Jeff Tubman Region 1
Roger Tucker Region 3
John Tucker Region 4
Margaret Tucker Region 3
Robert Tulp Region 1
David Tung Region 1
Brett Turnbull Region 1
Timothy Turner Region 1
Gordon Turner Region 1
Dylan Turner Region 1
William Twiss Region 4
Julian Twiss Region 4
James Twiss Region 4
Nigel Tyre Region 1
Graeme Udy Region 1
David Umbers Region 2
John Urlich Region 1
Henry Van Der Velden Region 5
Pamela Van Der Velden Region 5
Mark van Lent Region 1
John Van Lienen Region 3
Jennifer Van Schreven Region 3
John Van Velthooven Region 1
Marylin Van Wagoner Region 1
Michael Van Wagoner Region 1
David Varney Region 5
Colin Varney Region 1
Gerda Venter Region 2
Virendra Verma Region 1
Carolyn Vernon Region 1
Maxwell Vertongen Region 3
Jocelyn Vertongen Region 3
Lee Vertongen Region 3
Alan Vessey Region 1
Graham Viall Region 1
William Vining Region 4
Joseph Voordouw Region 1
Albert Voschezang Region 5
Frank Vosper Region 2
Paul Vujnovich Region 1
Amy Wagstaff Region 1
Mary Walker Region 1
Neil Walker Region 2
Alexa Wall Region 3
Graham Wall Region 1
Rozel Wallace Region 3
Derek Wallwork Region 1
Steve Walsh Region 1
Craig Warburton Region 1
Peter Ware Region 3
Bernadette Warne Region 1
Elizabeth Warren Region 3
Brae Watkins Region 3
Kenneth Watson Region 3
Murray Watson Region 2
Ross Watson Region 3
Marcus Watson Region 3
Gregory Watson Region 3
Sarah Watson Region 3
John Welch Region 1
Kevin Wells Region 2
Glenda West Region 1
Benjamin Westerman Region 2
Yvette Westerman Region 2
Yvonne Westerman Region 2
Bryan Western Region 1
Peter Whalan Region 4
Philip Whearty Region 3
Philip White Region 3
Madelon White Region 5
Jonathan White Region 1
Anthony White Region 2
Agnes White Region 4
Cheryl Whiting Region 1
Andrew Widdup Region 1
James Widjaja Region 1
Simon Wilde Region 1
Robert Williams Region 4
Sylvie Williams Region 2
Susan Williams Region 4
Mark Williams Region 2
Stephen Williams Region 3
Gary Williams Region 1
Jason Wills Region 4
Julija Wilson Region 1
Ann Wilson Region 1
Peter Wilson Region 4
Michael Wilson Region 4
Peter Wilson Region 5
Carl Wilson Region 5
Barry Wilson Region 3
Mark Wilson Region 5
Craig Wilson Region 2
Madison Wineera Region 1
Angela Winiata Region 3
Edwin Winkel Region 3
Kelvin Winnie Region 3
Lynette Winsloe Region 5
Carole Withey Region 1
Stephen Wong Region 1
Michael Wood Region 5
Alastair Wood Region 5
Mark Woodham Region 2
Bruce Woodhead Region 3
Duncan Woodhouse Region 2
Susan Woods-Markwick Region 1
Richard Wright Region 1
Amanda Wynne Region 1
Michael Wynne-Jones Region 3
Lisa Yardley-Vaiese Region 4
Murray Young Region 4
Antonin Young Region 4
Glen Young Region 1
Grant Young Region 3
David Young Region 2
Meisheng Zhu Region 1

Fellow Member (FREINZ)

Fellowship of REINZ recognises excellence, longevity and commitment to the real estate profession. To become a Fellow, you must be an Associate Member for a minimum of 10 years.

A Fellow or Associate Member may suggest the Fellowship to a REINZ Ambassador or Sector Group representative, who proposes the nomination as a written citation to a Regional Director, with support from five other AREINZ members in the region.

The nomination is then brought to the REINZ Chief Executive and put to the REINZ Board for approval.

Fellow nomination form

View Fellow Members (FREINZ)


































































Retired Member

A person may become a Retired Member at 60 years, with 25 years or more membership of REINZ, or on reaching the age of 65 years if they have retired from the real estate profession and are approved as a Retired Member by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board.

View Retired Members

































Honorary Retired

A person may become an Honorary Retired member if the Board is satisfied they have provided outstanding service to REINZ or the real estate profession, if they are an Associate Member or Fellow of REINZ, and otherwise fulfil the requirements of a Retired Member.

View Honorary Retired Members





























Have a question?

If you have an enquiry about Individual Membership, eligibility or how to take you nomination forward, our Membership Team is here to support.

Contact and support