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Advocacy — your voice on the big issues

Whether it’s RPM regulation, AML or tax reform, we’re here to ensure real estate and property management have a strong and consistent voice, and your interests are fairly represented

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REINZ Briefing for Incoming Ministers

14 February 2024

Prior to Christmas, the team submitted a Briefing to the Incoming Ministers to inform the new officials of REINZ on what we do, our position on policies and what the opportunities are to work with us.   

Read our submission

Residential Property Managers Bill passed its First Reading in Parliament

11th October 2023

On 11 October 2023, REINZ filed submissions in support of the Residential Property Managers Bill to regulate residential property managers and residential property management organisations.


Read our submission

AML/CFT Amendment Regulations - timing of Customer Due Diligence

28th April 2023

REINZ wrote to the Ministry of Justice reporting on the further feedback we received from the real estate professions and industry leaders on our initial submissions.


Read our submission

Our Advocacy strategy focuses on 4 key pillars

Our advocacy strategy for 2024 onwards involves effective engagement with Ministers/MPs and government regulators (e.g., REA, MoJ, MBIE and HUD). It also involves closely monitoring and taking a proactive approach to relevant reform impacting our members - making submissions on behalf of members, and leveraging our members' support.  We aim to uphold the professionalism and integrity of the real estate profession for the benefit of all stakeholders.  

  1. Regulation of Residential Property Managers: We want to see residential property managers regulated and an effective regulatory environment for renters and rental properties. To achieve this, we have been pushing hard for regulation since 2019.  We collaborated with government agencies in the development of the Residential Property Managers Bill. We then made detailed written and oral submissions to the Select Committee, and we have been proactive since. We have called upon our members to support us, and we have engaged with Ministers/MPs, both in and outside of government.  
  2. Balanced Compliance: We strive for a level of compliance that safeguards consumers without burdening real estate professionals unnecessarily. This involves active participation in reform from an early stage when policy is being developed, through to ensuring regulations are practicable for our members.  We have successfully collaborated with MoJ in the past to ensure the timing for customer due diligence is workable for real estate professionals.
  3. Influencing Economic Conditions: We endeavour to influence favourable economic conditions for an active market, supporting policies that encourage homeownership and investment. We keep members abreast of developments in tax reform, for instance, educating members on changes to mortgage interest deductibility and the Brightline test.
  4. Acknowledging the Role of Real Estate Agents: We advocate for maintaining fit-for-purpose regulations like the Real Estate Agents Act and promote the value of REINZ as a professional organization offering education, resources, and support to its members. 

Pushing back on excessive AML requirements

When the Government suggested real estate professionals should do due diligence on buyers/prospective buyers as well as their vendors, REINZ made strong written and oral submissions on behalf of our members in opposition.

Such a move would change the way property is transacted in New Zealand and introduce uncertainty and delays in every sale — impacting buyers and sellers.

We worked closely with the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Internal Affairs throughout, facilitating feedback from our members directly.

Our collective voice was heard and there is to be an analysis of where in the transaction the risk lies before there is any change to the status quo.

“REINZ ensured key industry players were actively involved in helping to educate our government bodies as to why the AML proposal was unworkable and would have had an adverse effect on the way property is transacted in this country.”

Graham Crews, Real Estate Agency Management Consultant

Have your say

Make your voice heard by participating in our feedback process. We’ll let you know when there’s an opportunity to get involved. Look out for updates in our e-newsletter In the Know. Your feedback will be reflected in our submissions.

Your advocates

Jen Baird

Chief Executive

Responsible for developing and delivering on REINZ’s advocacy strategy in conjunction with our General Counsel.

Jen leads government relations for REINZ. Jen works closely with industry leaders and key stakeholders to influence Government policy and represents REINZ in the media.

Melisa Beight

General Counsel

Responsible for developing and delivering on REINZ’s advocacy strategy alongside our Chief Executive.

Melisa liaises with members, crafts submissions and works closely with government regulators.

Joanne Rae

Senior consultant for Residential Property Management

Responsible for ensuring the property management sector is fairly represented to policymakers.

Jo's current focus is on ensuring proposed legislation is workable and fair for the residential property management profession.

Laura Wilmot

Head of Communications and Engagement

Responsible for media relations and ensuring members have a voice on key issues.

Laura is the key contact for news and media. She also supports REINZ’s advocacy agenda by ensuring fair and accurate representation across topical issues.

Janine Tan

Senior Legal Advisor

Responsible for monitoring legal and regulatory reform, particularly in the residential property management and compliance space.

Janine collates member feedback, drafts written submissions and educates members on reform affecting them.

Nikki Sim

Senior Legal Counsel

Responsible for monitoring legal reform, drafting submissions and providing advocacy updates to members.